admissions & Marketing Director

Lexi Weepie, The Bridges at Ankeny Social Worker, Ankeny Iowa Nursing Home

After gaining valuable experience in the healthcare, sales and marketing industries, Kam joined The Bridges at Ankeny in 2024 and has brought a sense of energy, empathy, and knowledge to our team. Kam's empathetic nature and strong communication skills allow her to connect with people on a personal level, understanding their needs and concerns with a caring and compassionate approach. She is a trusted resource for families seeking guidance on long-term care options, providing them with support and reassurance during what can be a challenging and emotional time.

In her role as a Community Relations Director, Kam also plays a vital role in organizing community events, outreach programs, and educational initiatives to raise awareness about the services and resources available at The Bridges. She collaborates with local businesses, healthcare providers, and community groups to foster partnerships and create a supportive network for residents and their families.

Through her dedication and commitment to enhancing the lives of residents in the nursing home, Kam has earned the respect and admiration of those around her. Her passion for creating a warm and welcoming environment for residents is evident in everything she does, and her ability to forge strong connections with the community has had a lasting impact on the overall well-being of the residents in her care.

Kam's unwavering dedication to her role as the Community Relations Director is a true testament to her genuine desire to make a difference in the lives of others. Her tireless efforts to build relationships, foster connections, and advocate for the residents of the nursing home reflect her deep-rooted commitment to serving her community with compassion and care.

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receive the care you need

Our goal is to make Assisted Living accessible to seniors in Ankeny, with the ability to stay close to family and friends and develop an incredible support system of new and old relationships.

As you grow older, your health can change much more rapidly than in your younger years, often requiring different levels of care and specialized attention. With our onsite doctors, we can track your health, or the health of a loved one, to make sure you are receiving proper care. Assisted Living combines the freedom of Independent Living with the added benefit of an attentive staff and all-included services to make daily life easier and more manageable.